Social Welfare On Partner Tea Estates
In addition to managing the organic sections, Mana Organics oversees social welfare projects of our partner tea estates. We encourage a healthy, engaged and happy community. We ensure fair and equal opportunity to all and continue to improve our social welfare systems to create a progressive, self-sustaining, strong community.
Some of our recent projects include:
Introduction of Waste Disposal System at Chota Tingrai Tea Estate
Mana has implemented a waste disposal system for our partner tea worker communities. Today, all waste in the community is segregated into compost and recycle bins. Mana ensures the regular pick up waste, and the maintenance of disposal infrastructure. We use the compostable waste to produce organic fertilizer. Mana either applies this compost our gardens or re-distributes it to small tea growers.
Moving forward, Mana hopes to harvest the biogas generated from the collected waste for cooking fuel. This would reduce wood cooking fuel use. Use of wood fuel for cooking has been linked to poor respiratory health, and stresses forest environments.
Re-construction of drainage systems for health and sanitation
Climate Change has begun to change weather patterns in Assam. Rainfalls have become heavier and more unpredictable over the last few years. This has overwhelmed the existing drainage systemens in many tea worker communities causing both immediate flooding and longer term water logging.
Mana is currently overseeing the re-construction of Chota Tingrai’s drainage system in its worker housing to address this problem. The new system will better capture rain water, and help avoid water logging during the monsoon. Additionally, improving the overall drainage system will reduce the spread disease and physical damage to homes.
Educational Support
We assist two tea estate primary schools by providing an extra teacher and supplementary education materials such as notebooks, and writing utensils.