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News — goats

Goats Versus Monkeys: The Scourges of Chota Tingrai Tea Estate

John Grams about tea goats monkeys

Goats Versus Monkeys: The Scourges of Chota Tingrai Tea Estate

Idyllically located next to a meandering river and a protected forest, Chota Tingrai Tea Estate is not a place of hot tempers, or fierce arguments. But one topic does regularly round the debating circles- which is worse, goats or monkeys? We haven’t been able to come to a conclusion. So we need your help. Below are the arguments from both sides as to why goats or monkeys cause more havoc on the tea estate. Goats Goats damage tea bush branches: Goats don’t eat the tea bush themselves. But a goat considers a few snapped tea branches collateral damage in the...

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